Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Radiator Heat Adjustment Why Does My Top Floor Hot Water Radiator Only Heat The First Bar?

Why does my top floor hot water radiator only heat the first bar? - radiator heat adjustment

Cooler is on the floor and double the amount of all other parts of the radiator (all) work properly. I tried repeatedly to bleed and maintain breath every time, but never water, no matter how long I have. To my confusion is that the heater is working properly (that) all the bars in the heat when booting the heat. Why? How do I solve this problem?


DAN Y said...

It is necessary to get the system pressure by increasing more water. The pressure is equal to the amount in a heating system. Water added, the pressure increases, and supply air to bleed into the water. The reason it works when the system is the highest temperature of the water, more water expand sand equivalent to more pressure.

woodchip... said...

It could be clogged with sediment. You can try to disconnect the radiator and clean with a hose is not (of course!). Check that the header tank with the cooler is connected.
All the best.

Bill D said...

Sounds like air in the system for me. The upper part of the radiator air instead of water. It is easy to get rid of the air, on top of the radiator a little valve that opens and closes with a special key that can save on any hardware or plumbers merchants is purchased. Just open the valve a little (turn counterclockwise) and hear the roar of the air when water from the faucet, close the valve and "hop is doing" the work and the radiator.

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