Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bone Cancer More Condition_symptoms Ankle Uk What Are The Odds Of Winning A Battle Against Bone Cancer?

What are the odds of winning a battle against bone cancer? - bone cancer more condition_symptoms ankle uk

Someone who is very close to me, a bone cancer, and I wonder whether this really seriously. Although all cancers.


lioness said...

depending on the type of bone cancer. The age of the person, where the bone is cancer, it can penetrate other tissues, and how it has been claimed as soon as it was discovered.

The survival rate for many cancers is high. Mine was caught early and the amputation and chemotherapy for cancer left and never came back. 16 years without cancer in the 20th April.
I had osteosarcoma, just below the knee.

lioness said...

depending on the type of bone cancer. The age of the person, where the bone is cancer, it can penetrate other tissues, and how it has been claimed as soon as it was discovered.

The survival rate for many cancers is high. Mine was caught early and the amputation and chemotherapy for cancer left and never came back. 16 years without cancer in the 20th April.
I had osteosarcoma, just below the knee.

dcrc93 said...

can be difficult to
But do not give up hope and keep on
Nobody's dead until they're dead
many people give when doctors do not know everything
God knows everything
this nation to rise up to prayer for healing
God bless you both

Shaun-Al... said...

Did not you know there is nothing better bone cancer.

I think their chances of survival are good enough, cause cancer, generally suffers survive (it is wise, STAT)

Nah Z said...

It depends on the shape (bone, chrondro, Ewing?) And the scene, or how advanced the cancer. Some forms / stages have a survival rate of 90% in five years, others only 30%.

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